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Bold, italic, underline on recipe directions

If you wish to add a bit of extra formatting on recipe ingredients, directions or comments, you may enable the Recipe Extra Formatting buttons.  Go to the Recipe Center and click shortcut for "Recipe extra formatting Use/Show".  You'll then be in the Recipe Layout options.  Check the box "Show recipe formatting buttons on Add/Edit recipe screens (admin only)" and then save.

Now, when you add or edit a recipe, you will see the following buttons above the Ingredients, Directions and Personal Notes fields:

Bold, Italic, Underline, Bullet and Clear Formatting.  Directions also have an option for "Numbered."  To format any text, simply highlight with your mouse the word(s) to format, then click the button you want.  You will see special characters surround the text.

Example:  <b>Bold text here</b>

You can get quite creative, but use this sparingly as your recipe layout options may already make text bold, italic, etc.

If things get messy (and they can) you can use the Clear Formatting button on any field to remove all the codes.  You may need to touch up your paragraphs in some cases with Bullets and Numbered.

Note: if you add extra sections to a multi-part recipe, these buttons will not appear on the new section until you Save the new or edited recipe.