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Printed book items

Binding Options
We offer 3 binding options for your cookbook: - Plastikoil: this is our default...
Hide spiral binding in preview
The preview mode will always show the binding (unless you select a hard cover bi...
Time to print
Generally it has been running 2-3 weeks to get the cookbooks printed. We need to...
Do you ship to Canada?
We actually use a Canadian printer in Winnipeg for all of our Canadian customer ...
Reordering past cookbooks
It's easy to reorder cookbooks ordered in the past. If you are the editor, you j...
Ordering process
The process to order printed cookbooks is: - Run a preview of your cookbook...
Cookbook sizes
We offer two sizes of cookbooks. The standard size is 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" and the la...
How to print the cookbook ourselves
Do you wish to print your cookbook yourself? Easy! In your Editor's Activities, ...
I've printed my cookbook, now what?
Once you have printed your cookbook, you can continue to add recipes to your acc...
How Do I Create a PDF of My Cookbook?
On the black navigation bar in your editor account is an option to "Preview Cook...
Unlocking your cookbook
Before you place a print order, you are required to lock your cookbook so that n...
Recipes to be included
To select the recipes to be included in your printed cookbook, start by going to...
Allow contributor cookbook print ordering
You can allow your contributors to order printed cookbooks on their own instead ...
Change Cookbook Size
From your editor account, go to the Design Center. The last option in the first ...
How to print
When you are ready to print, you need to go to the Cookbook Publishing Center in...
Print 8 1/2x11 Proof
To make a printed copy of your cookbook in 8 1/2x11 size, go to the Publishing C...
3 ring binder
We have offered a 3 ring binder in the past, but the quality was not up to our s...
Trouble printing on home computer printer
Unfortunately, it's difficult for us to troubleshoot all kinds of PCs and printe...
Duplicate Names on Contributor List
If a names shows up twice, it means that there is either a typo in one of the na...
Can I hide the contributor name on a recipe?
You can hide the contributor name on all recipes by going to Editor Tools>Pro...
Remove Contributor page
You can turn the automatically created Contributor page on/off by going to Edito...
Cookbook Page Size
The standard size for a printed cookbook is 5 1/2 x 8 1/2. However we do also o...
Exclude order page
If you do not want to include an order page in the back of the book, simply go t...
Prep time and Num servings
Prep Time and Number of Servings are turned off by default. To enable them for y...
Minimum copies to print
Our minimum print order is just 1 copy.
Paper type
We use 60# white stock for our standard pages. You can upgrade to premium 80# co...
Plastikoil binding
We use our patented Plastikoil binding. This binding allows for the book to lay ...