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Symbols on recipe titles

We offer a selection of symbols to add to recipe titles for quick reference or highlighting.  You may wish to flag a recipe as a Favorite, Spicy, Kid Friendly, etc.  When you add or edit a recipe, the Editor has an option to select a symbol (or none) for that recipe.  In the printed cookbook and on the website, that symbol will be displayed.

In the printed cookbook, a Symbol Key will be added on the back of the Table of Contents showing any symbols used and their definitions.

In the printed cookbook, you also have an option for an Index by Symbol, by Category.  You can choose this under Editor Activities>Layout & Design.  Click on Recipe Index options under Additional Design options.

If you want to hide all symbols in your printed book, you may uncheck the option to show symbols under Editor Activities>Layout & Design.  Click on Recipe Layout options.  You'll see this there, too.  Uncheck and save.