Home > Layout and Design > Themes settings

Themes settings

To select a theme for your whole cookbook go to Editor Activities>Layout & Design.  Click the Theme Selection shortcut.  Initially, you will see your current settings for:

  • Cover
  • Divider
  • Recipe Layout
  • Recipe photo position
  • White space filler (if any)
  • Header image and text style
  • Footer image and text style

To change your cookbook theme, select one of our pre-defined themes from the "Select a theme" drop down.  All the items listed above will show the new options.  If you like everything, simply click the "Apply Cookbook Theme" button.  Done!  Now the screen will show the same items, but set as your Current Settings.  You can fine tune and select other options under Layout & Design any time, such as a different cover or recipe layout.

Also, you'll see the check boxes under each layout item.  If you have your own custom cover or a layout you like better than what a theme offers, but want the rest of the theme settings, just uncheck the boxes "Use this..." for any item. Then click "Apply Cookbook Theme" and only the checked options will update your cookbook.