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Header and Footer options - Recipes and other pages

You have options for page design above and beyond the Recipe Layout you choose.  You can select header and footer graphics, along with what you want in your header and/or footer.  Go to Layout & Design>Header/Footer options shortcut in the Additional Design Options box.  You'll see options for:

  • Header Text Style: select what you'd like such as category name and/or page number.  Centered, left-right justification
  • Header Image Style: you can have a nice header "border"
  • Footer Text Style: select what you'd like such as category name and/or page number.  Centered, left-right justification
  • Footer Image Style: you can have a nice footer "border"

Try any combination and Save.  Then click the "preview recipe" button to see your results.

Advanced settings:

Once you like your recipe header/footer, you can have those applied to other areas of your cookbook with a click:

  • Apply to Title, Table of Contents, Contributor pages.  These are the system created pages in the front of your book.
  • Apply to front of book Editor Messages, Photos, Custom pages
  • Apply to end of book (Index/Notes placement, too) Photos, Custom pages
  • Apply to end of book Extra Recipe and Notes pages
  • Apply to Index pages

Note on photos and Custom page:  non-recipe photos have a setting to show system generated text or not. This typically means Cover or Divider text.  But it also controls header/footer page numbering.  Photos and Custom pages within recipe sections will ALWAYS have the formatting applied.  Photos outside of recipe areas will either show the header/footer graphic, or not depending on each photo's setting.  Non-recipe photos will never have page numbers.  Custom pages have two options:  Show header/footer graphics and/or show pagination.  You can fine-tune your custom pages as you like.