You have options for page design above and beyond the Recipe Layout you choose. You can select header and footer graphics, along with what you want in your header and/or footer. Go to Layout & Design>Header/Footer options shortcut in the Additional Design Options box. You'll see options for:
- Header Text Style: select what you'd like such as category name and/or page number. Centered, left-right justification
- Header Image Style: you can have a nice header "border"
- Footer Text Style: select what you'd like such as category name and/or page number. Centered, left-right justification
- Footer Image Style: you can have a nice footer "border"
Try any combination and Save. Then click the "preview recipe" button to see your results.
Advanced settings:
Once you like your recipe header/footer, you can have those applied to other areas of your cookbook with a click:
- Apply to Title, Table of Contents, Contributor pages. These are the system created pages in the front of your book.
- Apply to front of book Editor Messages, Photos, Custom pages
- Apply to end of book (Index/Notes placement, too) Photos, Custom pages
- Apply to end of book Extra Recipe and Notes pages
- Apply to Index pages
Note on photos and Custom page: non-recipe photos have a setting to show system generated text or not. This typically means Cover or Divider text. But it also controls header/footer page numbering. Photos and Custom pages within recipe sections will ALWAYS have the formatting applied. Photos outside of recipe areas will either show the header/footer graphic, or not depending on each photo's setting. Non-recipe photos will never have page numbers. Custom pages have two options: Show header/footer graphics and/or show pagination. You can fine-tune your custom pages as you like.