Home > Cover and Dividers

Cover and Dividers

Remove current cover for custom cover
To have only your uploaded photo on the cover (or no image at all), go to Layout...
Cover Arranger Tool
You have full creative control on your cover text and photo layouts with the Cov...
Add a photo to the cover
You can create a custom cover by adding your own photo. Use the Photo Manager (f...
Photos on Dividers
It is easy to place photos on dividers. Simply upload your photos using the Phot...
Eliminate Dividers
Our system requires at least one category and that results in at least one divid...
Move/change text on cover
For covers, you can use the Custom Cover Arranger Tool found under Layout & Desi...
Antique Oval Photoshop Template
If you would like to have our Antique Oval cover with your own photo inside the ...
Custom Cover/Divider Image Specifications
Custom Cover/Divider Image Specifications Size information: Images MUST be in ...
Change Cover Font and Text Color
The font color will change to match our cover options defaults. You can change t...
Colored Cover
Currently we do not have a user selectable option for a plain color cover. You c...
Remove text from custom cover or divider
If you would like to not have text on your cover or divider because it is alread...
Custom Dividers
To have only your uploaded photo on the dividers (or no image at all), go to Edi...
Back Cover
The back cover can be changed to match the color on the cover as well as have a ...
Change cover
Changing the cover is easy. Simply go to the Layout and Design Center and select...