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Users and Contributors

Do Contributors have to pay?
When you you have an active membership as editor, you can invite family and frie...
Remove duplicate names on the contributor page 2
The names on the contributor list is taken directly from the names entered in th...
Can I add a co-Editor
With our system, it's really best that only one person serve as Editor - "too ma...
Adding a Contributor
Adding a contributor is very easy. Simply go to Editor Activities>Communicati...
Change Contributor Deadline
As editor, you have complete control over the deadline to contribute recipes to ...
Create your own contributor page
The contributor list generated by the system is taken directly from the recipes ...
Allow contributor print ordering
You can allow your contributors to order printed cookbooks on their own instead ...
International Contributors
Our site is not available outside the USA, Canada and the UK. If you send us the...
The difference between a family cookbook and a personal cookbook
They are the same thing other than a personal cookbook only has one contributor ...
Contributors did not receive Reminder email
If you have sent a messageusing the ReminderTool and some did not receive the em...
Contributors did not receive invitation email
If you have sent invitations using the Invitation Tool and some did not receive ...
Adding a Fundraiser contributor
There are three levels for login. 1. The Editor login -- you. 2. The Committee...
Hide the contributor on recipes
You can hide the contributor name on all recipes by going to Editor Activities&g...
Removing Contributor Page
You can turn the automatically created Contributor page on/off by going to Edito...
Remove duplicate names on the contributor page
The names on the contributor list is taken directly from the names entered in th...
Edit a contributor
To edit a contributor's info, login to your book. Go to Communication. Scroll do...
Delete a contributor
To delete a contributor from your cookbook, login to your book. Go to Editor Act...