Family & Fundraiser Cookbook Support

Leave a Review for Family Cookbook Project
In the online world, customer reviews are one of the most powerful tools to help...
How to get started
Once you sign into your editor's account, the first thing is to take a look at t...
Blank pages
While removing a few extra pages might save you a few pennies when printing, alm...
Understanding your Editor account
If you are new to Family Cookbook Project, this is a great place to start to get...
Editor Account verses Contributor Account
If you invite contributors to submit recipes, you can see their accounts on the ...
Change password or email address
Log in to your editor account and click on the link to "Edit your info" in the b...
How to add a browser bookmark to your desktop or phone icon is a web based cookbook software. By default, there is...
How long does it take to create a cookbook?
It is different for everyone. It depends on the size of cookbook you want, how m...
Quick Start and Editor Tools
You can find most features under Editor Tools (along the top menu). In fact, two...
Using copyrighted recipes in a book
One issue that comes up regularly for family cookbook project editors is the top...